Turns out I had been lazy enough to make this particular CD in iTunes. Never again. I had been thinking about making a mix, and digging up this CD this only motivated me more, in order to do it right this time. Also there is currently a heat wave, and because I do my damnedest to avoid scrotum-melting heat, I’m essentially trapped inside:
Zach Hill – Hindsight is Nowhere
The Sound of Animals Fighting – The Ocean and the Sun
Emeralds – Genetic
Gil Mantera’s Party Dream – Dreamscape
Why? – The Vowels, Pt. 2
El-Creepo – Space Needle
Holy Fuck – Lucky
Mushroomhead – Treason
Tim Hecker – Blood Rainbow
Sun Araw – Deep Cover
53:58, 102 MB
This time around I ripped each song from CD as an .aiff, mixed them togther, saved the mix out as an .aiff, then converted that to an .mp3. Except there’s one song on this mix that I don’t own on CD, so I used the mp3 I had, and the quality isn’t ideal. If you can tell which song it is (it should be clear as day to anyone with moderately discernible ears,) then you win a cookie.

i could appreciate 6 months ago